I spend a lot of time talking about politics. Truthfully it occupies a heap of (too much) my time. But it all seems so consuming. I have been feeling lately that North American society is broken. Fucked beyond repair. The media has all but given up any sense of objectivity. Bush and Kerry get to wander around trying to out smear each other.(like some sort of sad Budweiser Vs. Miller commercial)
The political right seems to have asserted a near exceptional level of control. Accusing the media of being Liberal (like that's some sort of cuss word) when they get to pull the strings from behind the scenes. Calling Fox Liberal is like saying Cancer is fun, or that a kick in the stones is "Good ole fashioned fun, for childern of all ages."
I have an advantage. I get to stand in front of hundreds of people at a time and object. I don' t take much stock in stats, or give creedence to besmerching character, at least from people running for Office. And I really don't give a shit about the "War on terrorism" (strikes me that a war on poverty might be more useful... or maybe a war on Corporate chicanery... or a least a war where haliburton and microsoft don't make any money... but I could go on...) I heard once that Common sense has become quite uncommon, and I'm inclined to agree. Perhaps if we waved a flag of human decency and shared some of our toys in the sandbox none of this shit would be an issue.
But can you blame othere societies for being peeved? We have every opportunity in the world (literally) Wealth, a good standard of living, education, and civil liberties. But instead of using these wonderful advantages for some common good, we fritter them away. Everytime I see television screens in SUV's and hear about JLO (and her husband of the week.) It makes me shudder. How vulgar and disappointing. Wasteful, and scandalous. Just when I think that we have reached the apex of moral bankruptcy, another Reality show gets shat out of the gates.
To date I have only seen one episode of a show that captivated me. It was on "The Amazing Race" Anyhow... The reason for my undivided attention was that there was a team with a midget. (others might say person of smaller size, or person of challenged stature... But fuck em... Midgets they are... ) Now midgets are a great shiney object at the best of times, but in this particular episode, She was forced to carry two back packs and a 100 pound slab of beef for a couple of miles. What brilliant entertainment!!! It brought a tear to my eyes, and made my soul just a little blacker.
End of transmission
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