My favorite people in the universe have always been the ones who were never afraid to stomp all over conventional thinking. The kind of people that stepped outside the box, and made that great leap into the unknown. These pathfinders, as I like to call them, were (and still are…) branded as crackpots, and chided for even conceiving of their triumphs.
I give to you as an example; The Wright Brothers, who were thought to be insane, and ahem… flew in the face of convention. The newspapers at the time declared Man would never fly. Then on that fateful day in Kitty Hawk, man soared with the birds for the first time. I believe Wilbur Wright's first words were “Fuck You William Randolph Hearst…” Alright probably not… But I bet he was thinking it!
Now with all that being said, there are still many occasions where people who think they're visionaries don't actually think in a non-conventional way or even in a rational way for that matter. These people are insane. The best example I can provide here is Bush's plan to create a missile defense system over “Fortress North America.” It's not only a waste of an incredible amount of money, but its likelihood of success is less than marginal at best. You'd be better off covering the continent with a giant trampoline. Not only would it provide “protection,” but you could also sell tickets, and treat it like the world's biggest amusement. As we all know, everyone loves a trampoline… (Now that would be visionary…)
Innovation comes from thinking outside of the box that society makes for us. We live in a world that is aching for a really big change. It's time for us as a race to start thinking outside of the box again. Maybe it's time to look at what's not working around here, and make some changes. North America is currently being run by people who don't have the slightest inkling of vision. (And in President Bush's case the ability to spell vision…) This is an unfortunate, but fixable if we begin to act now. Right now.
I think the first step begins by turning off the television. It lies to us anyway, and there's little time for distraction. No one needs to be caught off guard by a stray episode of The Simple life. That kind of WMD should be left to the experts. Only by freeing ourselves of Paris Hilton, will we ever be truly free.
Secondly, register to vote. This whole thing will collapse like a cake in the oven (at a very busy preschool…) if you don't have the tools to do the task at hand. My Grandpa used to say, “You gotta have the right tools for the right job.”
Thirdly, get involved. This “I don't have time…” excuse doesn't fly. Make time… It has a very direct effect on your future (and the ones you love too…) Find out what you can about the issues, and take the time to find the right candidate. It's no longer about parties, just process, and survival.
Fourth, Go out and actually vote. Condi Rice is being touted as the next Republican candidate for President. No one needs that. Equally wrong would be letting Stephen Harper become Prime Minister of Canada. (Alright, this is my bias, but I really believe these people are regressive and will hurt us all in the long run… I'll stand by this. Every single word. I may be proven wrong, but I doubt it.)
I gotta run, It's my turn on the trampoline. The kid in front of me just cracked his skull on the frame. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...
1 comment: head hurts and I smell toast....trampolines bad....politicians...worse than trampolines.... you can jump on politicians for hours....and all that happens is hot air escapes....kinda like a fart.... but not as ammusing... did I mention I smell toast????
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