I’m not sure how it happened… but it appears that my blog has become a bulletin board.
I thought for fun… I’d shed a little light on who the key players are.
Daryl, who is a comic friend of mine, seems to have become my biggest social critic. (At least it would appear that way given the amount of comments he’s left on this blog over that last little while.) I think that’s funny. He and I come from very clearly different ends of the political spectrum, and yet we have a tendency to agree on many other things. We both understand what’s funny, and we both know that Mac trounces PC any day of the week, and I believe that we both like Alexander Keith’s in a tall cold pint glass.
I’ve known him for about 7 years. Daryl was the first emcee ever to bring me to the stage at Yuk Yuks, and he was the first guy I ever went on the road with. We went to a small town called Cremona, which is here in Alberta. (Not to offend the residents of the booming metropolis of Cremona, but it’s hardly a premium gig. At least that’s what I thought at the time.)
You can find out a lot more about Daryl from his blog. The address is www.darylmakk.blogspot.com
Peter is another comic, and one of my best friends. Like me, big Pete is a fellow east coaster. He and I (and our merry band of idiots…) have had many, many adventures. Most of them have left a trail of carnage across the Canadian landscape. Scientists are still trying to figure out how that much damage can be cause by so few people. (I’m sure the poor people of Lethbridge are still reeling… but that’s another story for and from another time.)
Pete’s another member of the cult of Mac. (Die pc die…)
I’ve heard recently that he is taking some big steps to improve his own happiness, and I applaud his strength. Good on you Pete.
Check out his solo adventures… www.peteranthony.blogspot.com
Denise is one of the best protectors a person can have. She welcomed me back to the land of stand up. (Even after I had my little melt down a couple of years ago.) Without her, I would still be bitterly grasping for time at open mikes, and sneering at the mostly miserable crowds.
She is one of my greatest allies, and a good soul too. She helped me find the strength to crawl out of the shit, and stake my claim on the circuit. She is one of my heroes. She went that extra mile when she didn’t have to, and for that I will always be grateful.
Despite the fact that we disagree on hockey teams and political parties, I will always stand and be counted next to her. Her blog is www.dennisrosss.blogspot.com
Daniel Rock, the lone American in the group. (Really he’s more of a Canadian in waiting… or perhaps a currently misplaced Canadian, regardless of what his passport says.) My friendship with him is different. He’s more like a brother to me. He’s a shit disturber too. I think he’s had more practice at it though. I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like to. His opinions are usually founded in a wisdom, which he has in spades. (more than a man of his years should have…) Dan can be found at www.danielrock.blogspot.com
Lisa is a member of my extended family. She’s fiesty. She makes me laugh. I don’t know her as well the others yet, but I’m sure over the years to come I’ll get to know her better. One thing that’s for sure, she has a good sense of humor.
She’s not as premeditated as the others in this little group. I’m not sure of where her convictions come from, but they seem honest at their root. (As does everyone else’s in this group.)
Her blog is new. I’m interested to see where it goes over the next little while. Check her out at
Angela is the newest person to this little clique. She is well spoken, and a good lefty. (Hang on to it… there seems to be fewer and fewer of us these days.) I met her in Saskatoon. Dan tormented her while he was on stage, and she still had the fortitude to approach us after the show. She is charming, shy, and has a warm smile. I get the impression she is still trying to find her path. I hope that she finds what she is looking for.
Angela’s home on the web is
thanks buddy. i appreciate that. (are you even allowed back in lethbridge yet?)
fiesty? NICE!!!!
By the way, you forgot to mention that I'm hot.
Marcus, what can I say? You have decribed me and my friends so well. I love Peter to death...no not in a way to hurry up same sex marriage...but as a brother. He is one of my best writing partners and I support him in all his endeavours. A true friend, an awesome comic and the most mature young dude i know.He makes me look like a rebel teen....except for the Lethbridge thing!! :-)
Denise? Well besides being hot (there, you can settle down now you compliment grabbing nazi!!) she is the best friend that all the comics can have. She is one of he few non-comcis that understands how we think...most of the time. Love her like a sis!
The yank Rock, I know but not well enough to gush over him. He's always been nice to me but we need to sit and have a few beers so I can get to know him better next time he is in. I have not even seen him perfom as i am never in town when he is on stage!! A conspiracy perhaps?? Hmmm
The other ladies on here I have only met through debate. I like their fiestyness and passionate thoughts even if we don't agree.
Lastly Marcus, yes we do enjoy Macs and Kieths.
I respect your (wrong) political opinions and enjoy your wit. One day we will break you down, re-program you so you can come back from the darkside!!
See ya soon bud, first pint is on me!
Thank you for your kind descriptions, Marcus, and for allowing me to know and understand your friends a bit better. They seem like a good group of people, and offer some interesting input.
With regards to our meeting, just for the record, I did not approach you and Daniel, I am far to shy to do something so bold. Daniel spoke to me after the show while I was on my way to the ladies room, and then followed me in (well, he stayed at doorway, holding the door open). After he busted me trying to sneak out, I went with the moment, and have never regretted it. Meeting both of you has been a great experience, and I look forward to many more conversations.
Be well,
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