Here is a little more to ponder about those blasted cartoons. Just a little something to root some context to the last post.
The consternation for many in the West is that of freedom of expression is being challenged. Many have said… “It’s not about the content of the cartoon… just the right to print it…” Which is a cop out. It’s nice to take a stand once in a while, but little, if nothing, has been said about responsibility. What would be truly heroic is to find something more than a pat response to use as a defense. Show some legitimate substance to the argument.
Yes it’s a right, but does that make it worth it to print them? Perhaps we could find something more useful for us to focus our attentions on. Like not treating the 3rd world like a piece of shit, or spending it fucking with people that have never fucked with us. It strikes me the world needs a new hobby.
The problem isn’t with the right to freedom of speech. The problem is the guy who made the cartoons in the first place is a total fucktard.
We offer Muslim countries a shining example of democracy, and yet we conveniently throw away one of it’s most basic tenets in an attempt to defend another. “The right to swing my arm ends when it hits your nose.”
That seems reasonable right? Apparently it doesn’t apply outside of the lands in western society’s political dominion.
Kinda makes the whole thing sound a little hypocritical if you ask me. We might as well say to the Middle East “Hey… we break the rules as we see fit. Ain’t democracy great?”
For a great many Muslims these stupid cartoons, (I suspect…) boil down to this, how much humiliation do they have to endure at the hands of the West. Apparently we’ve forgotten that they are human beings too.
The real and overwhelming issue here is the failure of both sides to reckon that their worlds are split between two seemingly irreconcilable views.
The west is looking down its nose, and Islam is unforgiving of transgression. It’s like watching two punch-drunk boxers wail on one another. Someone’s got to ring the bell. Both fighters need to go back to their corners and take a breather. Perhaps they can come back with something new to swing with. Those punches are getting old.
My New Favorite word is "Fucktard."
i am a canadian living in india and so can to some extent claim to have a third world country's perspective too. u r right we westerners are too caught up with our rights and freedoms. the same rights somehow seem to get twisted when we deal with other not so developed nations. i think we have too many issues to sort out in our own homes before wasting time in meddling with other religions and countries
It amazes me that when we talk about these cartoons it's a matter of free speech but, when it comes to Carla Homolka (a woman I think the whole country hates) telling her story it's not a matter of free speech it's a matter of someone profiting from evil. What double standards we Westerners have.
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