Here’s a picture that would be really funny if it wasn’t so sad. These people just don’t get it! Aren’t we tired of this ignorant hatred? Haven’t we already learned a lesson from people like this?
Open letter to Nazis everywhere…
How do people get this way? I understand the pressures of society, and I even understand how hard change can be. However, it disturbs me though when a person’s ignorance and intolerance gets the better of them. How can we grow as humans, when we can’t even shake off this kind of bullshit?
It’s not immigrants that are taking your jobs Mr. Nazi! It’s your own sense of entitlement! No one wants fat, and stupid white trash in this world. There is no place for you. You are the ones who are truly not wanted. I wish I could parade around you with peace symbol armbands singing folk songs. Truthfully I’d love to fuck with your heads. A little reciprocity never hurt right?
Let’s face it; the new economy doesn’t need you either. You bring nothing to the table. (Exception distortion, lies and hatred…) We have no need for those who prey on the weak. Life is hard enough without having to listen to you whine and bitch. You are nothing but the shit under society’s boot. (And the best part is that you know it… Deep down inside, in the pit of your stomach lies that tender little nugget. Why suppress it? You know you’re wrong… Unless of course you’re a sociopath, but then “American family values” wouldn’t really mean that much to you. I mean how could it? It would be all about you.)
Worse still, you morons created your own problems to begin with, and now you need a scapegoat. You need a real humdinger of a scapegoat. So you blame the Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans for your own failures. How sad. How very sad indeed! Is that what a man does? (A real thinking human man?)
Does this world owe you a living? Definitely not. The ticket to survival is to better yourself. Instead of pissing on others, perhaps you could actually solve your problems. Do Education, and personal development strike any chords? I thought not…
But I realize that blame is so much better and it’s easy too! Except it’s kinda like a drug. Sooner or later you’ll need another hit. Then another and another. You don’t even realize that it’s your own hate that’s killing you. There in lies the real injustice, and most assuredly the real tragedy.
You are nothing more than the sad and vulgar display of stupidity. It makes me want to cry. It breaks my heart into a million pieces.
Hey Mr. Nazi read a book… One with something useful in it. Perhaps mathematics!
You need an inbred comment in there somewhere.
Life is filled with irony... Regardless, It takes a hate monger to deal with a hate monger...
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