Saturday I went to Spruce Meadows, which in one of Calgary’s premier attractions. In show jumping circles, this place is about the best there is. The park itself is jaw dropping in its complexity and in its beauty.
It was a nice warm day, (one might say lovely even…) and I did a lot of walking about. I must have walked about 6 miles. I didn’t get to see much of the horse jumping, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The lush green spaces and carnival atmosphere were fun to take in. (The only real drawback being the mounds of horseshit that you had to dodge with remarkable regularity…) It’s a nice place to go and escape some of the throng of the Stampede.
I did feel a little out of place there though. I’m used to rolling with the Timex set, and this place is very much a Rolex kinda thing.
The Military had set up an exhibit of sorts on the grounds. (Apparently it was “salute to the military day”… or something like that…) They brought a couple of tanks and other dangerous looking things with big guns on them. (You know… for the kids…) I chatted with a couple of the soldiers. They were pretty cool for the most part.
I was peeking inside a Coyote recon vehicle (Which is the kinda of vehicle that makes off road enthusiasts cream their jeans…) and I looked up, and there was General Rick Hillier. He’s the head of the Canadian military. He was talking to the troops in a cool and casual fashion.
“You’re not one of my guys are you?” He said…
“Um no…” as I looked around sheepishly.
“Oh… I’m Rick…”
“Oh yeah… yer the Grand Poobah of the army right?”
“That’s me… The chief cook and bottle washer…” and he extended his hand.
I was amazed that he played along. He really didn’t seem like a General. Mind you, he was the first one I have ever met. (Movies and TV always make them out to be so… Army ish…) I shook his hand, and he returned his attention to the troops.
Apparently this is the year for me to meet really cool people. I wonder who’s next?
I'm sooooo jealous right now!!!
Hello. Have we met?
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