Thursday, May 05, 2005


So far, I’m having a pretty good week. My friend Daryl managed a safe return from Oz. He’s a busy guy these days, in for two days and then off to Toronto. I’m glad he’s doing well. He seems to be in a much better way than the last time I saw him. The Melbourne festival seems to have done him some good.

This weekend I’m off to Saskatoon and then Regina. I’m looking forward to it. The last few shows I’ve had have been a little shaky, (this is a bit of an understatement…) and this run should be good to help scrape off some of the taint of Interior BC that always seems to stick to me.

The last time I went out there was over a year ago, and I have to say if this time is even half as much fun, it will rock.

Week 5 of the diet is going well. I’m getting a little sick of soup and crave for things that I know are beyond bad for me. Just about every time I pass by KFC my brain starts to churn out sick, twisted little fantasies about fried chicken. So far I have resisted. But I fear its only a matter of time before the jig is up.

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