Here are some things that have been rattling about in my head for the last little while.
1) I hate clowns… I think anyone that decides to become a clown needs a lot of “Special” help. John Wayne Gacey loved clowns… Need I really say more? If a clown showed up at my doorstep, my first reaction would be to punch it.
2) The first rock and roll album I ever got was AC/DC’s “Let There be Rock” I think I still actually have it somewhere. I played the shit out of that record. I was 11 at the time. The next record I got was less of a classic. Styx “Kilroy was Here” To this day, every time I hear “Mr. Roboto” I cringe. I think there may have been an Air Supply record in there too, but the less said about that the better.
3) I love Strawberry Slurpees. Sadly they have disappeared.
4) There are few foods better than a good hotdog. Especially if it has corn relish on it. For some reason they always taste the best coming from one of those carts at 3 in the morning. No Sour Kraut though… That stuff is evil.
5) People who are too into religion freak me out. Especially when they are compelled to recruit others. I just can’t muster that kind of enthusiasm for anything. (There is a difference between belief, and fanatical devotion…)
6) I always wanted to build one of those model rockets. The kind that you can actually launch.
7) I am perversely entertained by politics. Regardless of my own beliefs, it amuses me to see just how easy it is to push people’s buttons when it comes to politics. All it takes is a statement like “Karl Rove is a vampire… or Stephen Harper is impotent” and people unfurl…(Even though both statements are gospel.)
8) I believe that music really is food for the soul. Pop music on the other hand is fodder for the masses. The world is top heavy with starlets, divas and manufactured musical swill. We could have all happily lived our lives without Brittney, JLO, PDiddy, Missy Elliot and Justin Timberlake. Bob Marley, Kurt Cobain, Keith Moon and scores of others must be turning in their graves.
9) The most amusing Heavy Metal band ever is “Judas Priest” (It’s because they take themselves way too serious. (My favourite Heavy Metal band however is Iron Maiden, mostly because they have a brilliant sense of humour.
10) I am considering looking more deeply into Buddhism. I am very attracted to some of its principles. The realization that a physical object is just the manifestation of an idea bakes my noodle.
11) People who think that they are vampires amuse me. That’s some very funny shit. This just in… Vampires aren’t real. Neither are the boogieman, Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. (No matter what Anne Rice says…) I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, “That takes a special kind of lonely to be able to sit in a dentist’s chair and have pointy teeth installed. Good luck with that…”
12) My new favourite music artist is Kinnie Starr. The song “Alright” sends shivers down my spine. She’s pretty damn cute too.
13) I dislike game show hosts. In my most humble estimation they are barely a notch about used car salesmen, or people who work in Stereo shops. I want to hold Alex Trebec down and shave off his moustache.
14) I believe that the “Middle East” is a powder keg that North Americans have set off. We will be reeling from its ramifications for the next century. It’s too bad we suck at dealing with it too. It’s kinda like using water bombers full of white gas to put out a forest fire.
15) The war on terrorism is being fought in exactly the wrong way. Instead of engaging in combat with rogue nations, we should be hunting the terrorists and treating them as criminals… not terrorists. The sooner we learn to not give them a vaulted status, the better we’ll fare in the “war.” It is more demoralizing to treat them as common criminals. If we refuse to recognize that their deeds have any power over us, the easier it will be to defeat them.
#12 - I will take the least argumentative point in this post and say that yes, Kinnie has some cool tunes, but she's, ummmm, talented. Is that delicate??
In response to # 13. Somebody already shaved his moustache off, but I am sure there are other cruel and unusual things that can be done to game show hosts.
Somebody has GOT to install a breathalyser on my computer. What the hell did I mean when I wrote the above?
#3 - Yes, I agree!! A good strawberry slurpee is hard to come by. Although...a tastey strawberry daiquiri tends to fill the void nowadays.
What ever happened to Black Bart chewing gum?? I use to love that stuff!
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