I am a firm believer that late night TV sucks a tremendous amount of ass. It’s always sucked, but now it’s worse than ever. I am hard pressed to name something in entertainment land that sucks quite as much. (Well besides pro wrestling, and televised golf… and perhaps “The Vagina Monologues” as performed by panel members of “The View.” For the record, Star Jones really needs to shut the fuck up once in a while.)
From chat lines for losers, to miracle cures, and even the shabby investment schemes, TV has been overrun with flim flam artists. Which begs a question… Who, in the year 2005 is falling for any of this shit? You’d have to be as dumb as a stick. (Or have voted for a Bush…)
I think P.T. Barnum was right. There is really is one born every minute. Only a complete moron could listen to Chuck Norris drone on and on about fitness equipment. (Chuck Norris… now that really is scraping the bottom of the celebrity barrel. Dr. Ho looks like a fucking genius in comparison.)
I used to like watching late night movies. Sure they were crap too, but quite often they were a fun little guilty pleasure. (Usually some stale movie of the week involving a boy in a bubble, a burning bed, or a cancer survival story starring Joyce Dewitt… or a splendid mix of the three.) Sadly they have mostly gone the way of the dinosaur.
It seems that commercials and other forms of advertising have become so commonplace that we have totally forgiven their intrusion in our lives. Fewer and fewer things are sacred, even churches have been besmirched by it. How did this happen? At what point did people decide that we could live with this crap.
Apparently there is a move to put product placements in books. Books… I have seen evil, and it is advertising in books. As if it wasn’t hard enough to find a good read these days, now I have to scan what I’m buying, just to ensure that some Shithead hasn’t polluted the content with an ad for Pepsi, or Microsoft or whatever…
Nothing is sacred, and that is a tragedy.
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