Bush has been blathering on about “Muslim Empires” a lot lately. Is it just me, or does this sound like the beginning of another protracted campaign to try and justify something?
It’s become both tragic and hilarious to watch him try and defend his remarks. He’s become the boy who cried wolf one too many times. (Except he hasn’t figured that part out yet… Happily though, it appears the American populace has caught on.)
There are some things that Bush needs to handle if he ever wants to be taken seriously again. (Both domestically and internationally…) The first and most crucial of which is to admit that the war isn’t going well. It’s like the worst kept secret ever, and an admission could actually give him a little breathing room. Direct and honest discourse might actually halt the free fall in his popularity. Just admit to what Americans are already thinking.
All it would take to say is this, “We’ve fucked up… It’s all gone to crap” It’s so simple and effective, and for the first time ever, Bush’s people could claim transparency without having to endure the press corps sniggering. (In a perfect world, I’d like to see him shake Michael Moore’s hand and then apologize… but beggars can’t be choosers…)
The second thing is to blast FEMA and Homeland security for their ham fisted operations in New Orleans. He should have been raising hell right from the start. But in his usual fashion, he lollygagged on the whole thing.
Ever look at his eyes during a public address? He looks like a freshly caught trout, glassy and dazed. (Like he had just been smacked off a rock, or suffered some other sort of blunt force trauma.) In some ways I kind of feel bad for him. He is not only the terrorist’s favourite target, but apparently Mother Nature’s bitch too.
What is it about this presidency that prevents it from reacting in an appropriate time frame? He needs to explain how the evacuation got turned into a racial issue. This needs to be addressed or the future ramifications will be dire.
Then he needs to engage an even more aggressive (See Positive…) program to help the hurricane and flood victims. The initial response was so shabby that it actually boggles the mind. (Especially for a country that is fixated on “Safety”) but the issues that arisen from this, can still can be fixed. (Mind you, I’m convinced that rebuilding New Orleans is not the answer… but there could be some creative ways to relocate people, and earnestly help them to establish new lives. Imagine what that money could do for those people. i.e. Education programs, Housing programs, Health Programs,)
The next thing on the agenda is to admit that he’s derailed the American economy. The national debt has taken on a life of it’s own, and his tax cuts will serve only to further ham string America’s future. Say goodbye social security, and say hello to soup kitchens.
Under his watch, America has floundered. It’s amazing to me that under Clinton (Who was as beleaguered as it gets…) the American economy was on fire. His policies were responsible for the most growth seen since the 1950’s. Even if Bush had left it on autopilot, it still wouldn’t be as grim as it looks now. How he and his neo con buddies can still justify this homage to Reaganomics is baffling. For a President who doesn’t like spending… he sure has done a lot of it. Too bad his priorities are fucked.
Lastly, pay your worldly debts. The United Nations has been waiting for the better part of Bush’s presidency for a cheque. (Being part of a club means paying your dues… Just ask the Lions, Elks, and members of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos.) Unless you just want to be a freeloader…America the panhandler nation… That should ring hollow shouldn’t it? Especially since it’s the richest nation in the world… Perhaps the rest of the world would stop looking at America like a grinning buffoon.
How can you expect the world to be friendly if you welch on your debts? Mr. Bush, you should be embarrassed about not paying Canada the money your government owes because of the soft wood lumber dispute. You expect loyalty and friendship from other nations, and yet do nothing to inspire it. . If as a nation you expect other countries to be behaving as global citizens, perhaps you should try it in earnest first.
Marcus, God told him to. The BBC will be airing a special where it is revealed that God told Bush to invade. You can check this on Yahoo News. Interesting article and it should be a good special. However, I don't agree on the New Orleans part. They should save what they can or sell it back to the French. Great place to visit and I am glad I was able to go before the flood. Now if only California would fall into the sea and Vegas get hit with lightening of biblical proportions that would validate Bush and his end of the world attitude. And God saved Texas. Jill
Do I get a prize? I was #8000. I ws kinda waiting for some bells and whistles and ticker tape and people to come rushing at me with flowers and a big cheque. No? You suck.
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