This is an actual quote from the website...
"Diane Whipple, a filthy dyke, died in her sins on Jan. 26, 2001, as a result of being mauled by two dogs. God used literal dogs to kill a figurative dog - sodomites being likened unto dogs for beast-filthiness (Deut. 23:17, Mat. 7:6, Phil. 3:2, 2 Pet. 2:7,8,12,22; Rev. 22:15). Fags & dykes = dogs & sows. She lived like a beast, died like a beast, at the hands of beasts, and is mourned by a family of beasts! The wrath and fury that smote Diane Whipple - suddenly and violently ripping her throat out and casting her forthwith into the everlasting flames of Hell - is poised to similarly visit this evil sodomite-dominated nation in final overwhelming vengeance. Jer. 9:9. Sharon Smith (the dead dyke's lover) and Penny Whipple-Kelly (the dead dyke's guilty, dyke-pimp, mother-from-Hell) need a reality check. Diane is in Hell, and you will join her there - where you three will bitterly curse each other forever, as you gnaw your tongues in pain and blaspheme God. Flames of God's wrath will engulf you and fill your heads, bowels, and limbs. The same is happening to Diane now."

Another stellar quote...
"When Matthew Shepard died on October 12, 1998, every pervert in this country (from Bill Clinton on down) used his death as a soap box to promote so-called "gay rights." The reality is that Matthew Shepard died because he was trolling for strange flesh and meth. See The Big Laramie Project Lie. These same perverts ignored the vicious murder of 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising by two fags. In religious protest of this, WBC picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard, to inject a little truth and sanity into the irrational orgy of lies consuming this world. And WBC held a memorial service for Jesse Dirkhising at his lonely grave. WBC does not support the murder of Matthew Shepard: "thou shalt not kill." Unless his killers repent, they will receive the same sentence that Matthew Shepard received - eternal fire. However, the truth about Matthew Shepard needs to be known. He lived a Satanic lifestyle. He got himself killed trolling for anonymous homosexual sex in a bar at midnight. Unless he repented in the final hours of his life (not likely since God had given him up! - Romans 1), He is in hell. He will be in hell for all eternity, "where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:44. For each day that passes, he has only eternity to look forward to. All the candlelight vigils, all the tributes, all the acts of Congress, all the rulings by the Supreme Court of the United States, will not shorten his sentence by so much as one day. And all the riches of the world will not buy him one drop of water to cool his tongue."

What do you think God will say to Fred Phelps when they meet on his judgement day?
I suspect Phelps will be going somewhere a little hotter than heaven. Hopefully the endless torment will teach his racist redneck ass a lesson.
You never know, maybe God will teach him the ultimate lesson of forgiveness on that day. Or…he’ll send him straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Personally I'd like to see people protest his every move. From the moment he brushes his venomous fangs in the morning to when he lays his deranged noggin on his pillow at night.
I want him to be as tormented as much the poor people he scourages.
But if you're protesting his protesting at those funerals aren't you just adding to the gong show he has created and therefore hurting those families even more? There are groups out there that are starting to counter protest against people like him but I’m not sure I support them because in a sense they give him more power. I don’t know how to deal with him, it sure would be easier if another WACO incident ‘accidentally’ happened at his compound.
Holy hell...these pictures are unbelievable...who do these people think they are?
I would never dare to protest him at a funeral... unless it was his own. I just think he deserves a taste of his own medicine.
Michael Moore tried a few years ago on his TV show the Awful Truth, but he just didn't go far enough. I think we should start a fundraiser so I can go sit on his porch with an army of squeegee kids and ruffle his feathers for a while. I would make it my mission to make him as uncomfortable as humanly possible.
I would start my own "religion" if I had to... just so I could roast his evil ass.
These people have been deluded into believing that they are doing God's work.
As if any God would want this collection of psychotic loosers anywhere near him / her.
It reminds me of something Johnny Rotten once said... "It's easy to decieve a child"
I think starting a religion of your own is the way to go. You could even get tax benefits from it, definitely a great plan. I personally would like to be the first one to donate to your cause. Remind me at your Birthday Party.
Oh, feel free to build a compound on my ranch. We have lots of space!!
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