Thursday, November 09, 2006

Some Thoughts on The Aftermath...

I was tickled pink at hearing Bush announce that Donald (The soulless ghoul…) Rumsfeld will no longer be the secretary of defense. Better still was listening to him try and placate the public, who dropped a bunker buster on his political majority. Seeing Bush grovel at the new Democrat masters was lovely. It was clear to all who watched his new conference this afternoon; George’s world has been rocked. (It’s about fucking time…) You’d almost swear he developed a nervous tick overnight. At least he didn’t start pouting in public. (I bet he called his mommy though…)

However, the best piece of news coming from the election yesterday was the crushing defeat of Rick Santorum. Finally that hate monger has been put in his place. His political career has been eviscerated. Now he’s nothing more than human chum. Hopefully he’ll slither back under his rock, never to be seen again. (He kinda reminds me of Golem, but in a thousand dollar business suit…)

Perhaps a new day really is dawning in America. Mind you, putting this bit in the president’s horsey mouth smacks more of protest than of any sort of real desire to change. The Democrats aren’t really all that different than the Republicans these days. (Other than they have unwillingness to engage the later on the same level.)

Can these “Shiftless” Liberals really begin the undo the damage caused by the last six years of greed orientated Conservatives? Who knows, but as near as I can figure, anything’s better than another day of unrestrained Conservative external policy.

Regardless, Bush has been refocused. He’s now officially a lame duck. He’d be better off now by turning to legacy projects and letting the real governance be handled by those newly elected folks who are still excited to be headed to Washington. (For some reason I picture them whistling while they work…)


Lisa said...

Do you really think you'll still be singing Democratic praises in two years?

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

Well why not! The Democrats left America in better shape when Clinton was in office that any republican since before reagan.

A fireball economy, and America left unscathed. sure he fucked around, but he didn't fuck up.

Bush has done nothing but endorse corruption on a massive scale. Haliburton, Kellog Brown and Root, Rick Santorum, and Jack A. Abramoff have bought and sold the republicans down the river.

Throw in the war in Iraq and the trumped up and fabricated reasons for it's inception, (Brazen, and bold faced lies... like the Yellow cake scandal...

Basically, in my books the Democrats could spend their time colouring or beating kittens and they would still be better.

Anonymous said...

Animal abuse is the first step in the cycle of violence that leads to people abuse...

All Hail the Kitten Beaters!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck in GP this weekend!!! Bring back some more material for us please.
PS - Maybe keep it on the DL that you're a Kitten Beater Lover. I doubt that kind of stuff goes over well up there.