I've gotten to a point where I'm beginning to understand what I really want to accomplish with this blog. To date, it has been a useful tool, a simple device that permits me to blow off steam about things that really get my blood boiling.
I've ranted and raved about everything I could think of, screaming out to the heavens, hoping that someone, anyone could hear it. I've been that desperate drunk at the end of the bar rail letting the reactionary out to play, and it has only gotten the better of me thus far. Clearly, it has been all for not. This will not stop me, but it is obvious that it's time for a change of tactics. It's time to appeal to common sense. If that won't kick the blinders off, nothing will.
I guess in some ways, As a Canadian living far away from the problems of American politics, it could be argued that I have no real business attacking it. It could also be argued that American politics has no direct effect on me and my life here in the wilds north of Montana. Of course, and I could be Mickey Mouse.
An American friend of mine reminded me the other day, that we don't want Americans to feel too comfortable around these parts. In his estimation, they will come here. (Thanks to the last election, we have already seen an increase in migration here from the U.S.) This alone, gives me the right to throw my voice into the fray. The last thing we ever want is for America to have any sense of entitlement to Canada. That would knock the wheels off our little cart. Sooner or later, they are going to run out of brown people to pick on, and in my humble estimation we are a little to close for comfort.
I had hoped that in some small way, my blog might act like a beacon to those who feel as I do. We who are now lost to the woods outside the city limits of a town called indifference need hope. As civil liberties are retracted, we become more scattered. Liberalism is being hunted down, and demonized like something out of the Salem Witch trials, and I felt for a little while as if I was a vanguard of these social values. In some small way, I believe I've been a defender of the faith.
I choose to roar, because I'm afraid others will give up, and submit to the will of conservatism. This really frightens me. Every time another conservative gets into power, a few more liberties get called into question, and big business gets another dirty handshake. When I see Bush, or Cheney speak, I immediately have to reach for the Rolaids. (These are people who hate the ACLU… because its mandate is to remind government about the existence of the constitution… Something Bush and Cheney hate…)
I watched a movie called “The American President” the other night. I liked it, it reminded me of “The West Wing”, and another movie called “Dave.” (These are not masterpieces… for the record…) I like these shows because they give people hope. At least in the land of pretend, the people in power are human beings who listen to the problems of their constituents. They implicate a dynamic that is not actually seen in real politics anymore, human decency.
You need to read Link Byfield in the Sun today - and don't moan "oh - the Sun". Just read it.
Um, no one needs to read Link Byfield. Ever. For any reason.
Says you anonymous. Afraid of a different opinion are we?? Don't be frightened - it won't hurt a bit.
Daniel says.... americans rock. we have guns.... we WILL use them.... And as much gravy and mayo as you all consume, you are easy targets.
i love marcus, and it's time he professed his love for me.
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