Today is Election Day here in Canada. Harper and his Conservatives are poised to win a minority government. That's just what we need, another minority government that will be ripped down in about18 months. Enjoy it while you can Mr. Harper… It won't last long.
Let's see how smug you are when it's your turn to fight for your political career It's not like the Conservatives don't have their share of greedy, shady double dealers. Mulroney taught us that. (Not to mention complete retards like Rob Anders… That guy is fucked…)
But what we need even less than a minority government, are the Conservatives themselves. Apparently watching our poor suffering neighbours to the south struggle with Bush has done little to temper our anger at the Liberals. We have learned nothing from America's example.
Don't get me wrong. We should be angry with the Liberals. We should be furious with them. Harper is right to condemn them for shoving their grubby hands into the public trough. But Harper must realize that his lead in the polls and likely victory are nothing more than a reaction to the Liberal's misdealings. I suspect it has very little to do with policy. In fact I'm convinced that's the case.
It's not the principles of Liberalism that will be on trial tomorrow. The results of this election will be nothing more than an administered punishment. A nation doesn't change its social demeanor because of a scandal. Proclivities just don't change like that, especially in a healthy economy.
This will be a minor blip in Canadian election history because Canadians are far too progressive to tolerate an assault on civil liberties. Here's a tip for you Mr. Harper…Touch a woman's right to choose, or Universal healthcare and you're fucked. We built the social safety net for a reason. It's not even open for negotiation.
Anyway I have to go vote…
I will be voting NDP this time around. I am doing so in good conscious. I want the Liberals to be punished, but I'm not willing to throw my principals away to do so. Vote your heart. Vote for what you believe in.
I was curious what people were saying on this election day and I came across your blog. I just have to say. Shame on you for comparing Harper to an american nitwit! He may be a pencil pushing geek but he sure as hell does not have the balls of that soldier killing mo foing piece of crap on a cracker. I hate Harper as much as the next "I have a red sign on my lawn" supporter but there aint no one who deserves to be mirrored to a Bush, past or present.
I like what you have to say Sir. Where can I see your stand up comedy?
Thank you,
I'm not sure I've ever been scolded and praised at the same time before.
I'm based in Calgary, and mainly tour western Canada, but I will be in the east in the reasonably near future.
I'm handled by Yuk Yuks, so I guess just keep your eyes peeled for one of their gigs.
Oh Marcus,
I voted NDP too, but to no avail. Let's cross our fingers and see what the next few years hold for our social system.
Be well,
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