Thursday, December 08, 2005


I like to take little breaks with this blog. It helps me from writing for the sake of writing. Generally I like to have something to say before I sit down and spew. Lately I’ve been feeling good, and little is picking at my brain. Perhaps I’m just too excited about Christmas, and feeling intoxicated by it’s impending arrival. Perhaps, I’m just really not miffed about much right now.

I’ve done a lot of roadwork lately. The last 6 weeks have been filled with one weekend adventure after another, and I have been lucky to work with a lot of great people. This weekend is no exception. I get to work with one of my best friends. This makes me happy. The destination on the other hand, is less appealing to me.

I’m headed to Cranbrook. That town and I have a troubled relationship. It boils down to the fact that I’m a level headed, rational, thinking human being, and the citizens of this mountain berg are religious lunatics. (To the point of being obnoxious about it.) We have very little common ground. (Other than we need food and oxygen…) I have begun to understand what a Japanese tourist must feel like while visiting the Arizona memorial.

I have spent the better part of a year learning that you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I’ve read the book on Cranbrook. (Well, really it was more of a leaflet.) The last time I was there, it felt like I had been torn from the bosom of comfort, and thrust out into the harsh light of day. (And the doctor forgot to slap my ass.)

I have learned not to expect much from that town. Hopefully I‘ll be happily surprised this time, but I’m not holding my breath. I suppose it could be worse, I could be going to William’s Lake.

Other stuff…

I listened to an interview with Stephen Colbert on NPR (National Public Radio in the United States…) and I have to say, he is very funny. I like what he had to say. I think I actually find him funnier out of character than in, although the Colbert Report is very funny in it’s own right. I think it’s a great spoof of Sean Hannity, and that other blowhard Bill O'Reilly.

Anyway I have to scoot.

More later…


Blog Monkey said...

Just watched some Colbert the other night. It warms and chills at the same time.

I slept with a gun by my head, yet i chittered to myself all night until fitful rest decended.

What a frightening place, that planet to the south.

Tina said...

Oh my God! William's Lake is HEAVENLY compared to Prince George!! Hmm, then again I've only driven through William's Lake. Yeah. No, I'm gonna stick with that assumption.