Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Today I tried to buy a DVD burner for a Mac. Sounds like a reasonably easy task right? Not fucking likely. I had to go to 7 different stores, and I still don’t have one in my hands. (Although apparently I will have one tonight.)

I went to every place I could think of that deals in Apple. I should have known better than to even try. The cards were stacked against me. First I went to Future Shop and Best Buy, both who stock Macs, and yet somehow, in a truly inept fashion, don’t carry peripherals that are compatible with Mac. (Or any software for that matter…) How fucking stupid is that?

What total clothy eared crap sack made that purchasing decision? I want to meet him, so I can kick him right in the junk. Why bother to carry it, if you won’t bother to support it.

So there I stood, nearly wading in a veritable ocean of burners, literally hundreds of them, and not a single OS X device. It was a Mac owner’s worst nightmare. At first I was confused, and then I just got angry.

So I stomped off to London Drugs, (who normally do a reasonable job at supporting Apple.) I got there to find one, but it was outrageously priced, and made by a cheapo company.

Then from there, I was off to Memory Express, whose employees looked like they had been hit by some alien death ray when I gasped the words “for Mac please…” Once they recoiled their slack jaws, they said as if in unison “we don’t have Mac stuff…” I was ready to rise up with a mighty force and slay them.

So once again, I hit the ground running, this time making it to an actual Mac specific dealer, who ultimately was even more expensive than London Drugs.

So out the door again and off to another London Drugs that I knew carried a different, more trustworthy brand of burner that the other outlet. (Foolish me to assume that all outlets in their chain might offer some continuity of products…) I get to find that they have shipped it off to the first London Drugs that I went to earlier.

So apparently I’ll get it this evening, (It’s on hold… or so they say… I’m not holding my breath at this point.)


Lisa said...

At the risk of becoming the sole target for your anger, I have to say this:

Imagine how much easier your day would have been if you weren't stuck on Apple! ;-)

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

imagine how much media rich content wouldn't exist without apple... the internet would be a giant network of calculators!