Wednesday, January 19, 2005

01/19/05 Coca Cola is an agent of the devil...

I heard from a reliable source today that Ipsos Reid is doing a survey that asks if people are buying more from the Coca Cola company because they were helping out the tsunami victims. How souless is that? What a way to sully any effort you guys made to help these poor people out. Did it help your sales? The optics of this kind of behaviour are truly gruesome.

Who uses the deaths of 150,000 people as a gauge for profit? Evil fuckers... SHAME ON YOU!!! "Have a Coke and a smile, and try to forget your entire fucking family is dead..." I'm surprised the tobacco companies aren't in on it. "You just lost your entire world, now smoke up fucker..."

This kind of coporate chicanery needs to be met with punitive measures. These multinationals need to be taught that this kind of marketing is wrong. Everytime one of these evil companies pulls a fast one like this, we should send their garbage back to them.

This makes me so angry I could spit nails like a gatling gun. I may even kick a puppy.

I will never drink a coke again. I will never buy any of their products, and I will tell as many people as I can about this.

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