Thursday, April 07, 2005

04/07/05 Wow what a shit show...

Damn, I can't sleep again tonight. I wish I could just shut my brain off. Over the years I've tried just about everything, and nothing seems to work. I'm beginning to think the only solution would be a rubber mallet right between the eyes.


Tonight's show should best be described as a piece of shit. The audience was terrible. I watched the MC, and Matt Billon go down in flames. For some reason, I knew that this show was going to suck ass. My set really didn't help matters much. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a whopping fuck all… and that folks is being generous.

It amazes me how people can come to a comedy show and sit there like bored pieces of shit. I always want to ask them why they came. They just sat there, blinking, occasionally looking as if they just might have pooped their pants. Fuckers… It got so bad that at on point I told the audience, (all 100 plus…) that I would love to meet them outside. I let them know that I was willing to fight them all. Sadly, I meant every word.

It's really frustrating when you bomb, and you know it's not your fault, but how do convince that many people that it's theirs? Now I know why Bruce Cockburn wanted a rocket launcher, because those people must pay.

Okay… perhaps I've gone too far, and besides some things really are better left to my imagination. (Or at least to my inner monologue…)

At least I tried a new joke, and the mangina joke worked again, but it still needs to be streamlined. It's got a lot of promise, but there's too much fat. I have a new joke about the pope's passing too, but I deiced not to waste it on a crappy crowd.


I worked out today. I spent 40 minutes on the exercise bike. I had a really good sweat going too. Hopefully all this cardio is doing some good. I can't wait to be all lean and trim. Mostly though, I'm excited at the prospect of being able to climb a couple of flights of stairs without being winded.

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