Thursday, April 21, 2005

04/21/05 "i see you Baby... shakin' that ass..."

I ‘ve had a weird day. I spent the early part of it wandering around Stephen Avenue handing out pamphlets. It’s amazing what lengths people will go to avoid you. I understand it though. I’m not one for people approaching me out of the blue either, and I really hate it when they want something from me.

Stephen Avenue is a neat place. It’s the best mix of what Calgary has to offer in terms of its denizens. There are white-collar pretty people, the subjugated blue collars, and a strange mix of the infirm, and those trying to shake down all of the previously mentioned.

I saw a guy today trying to pick up women on the avenue. He had long greasy hair, and felt that his physical attributes permitted him to negate the employment of a shirt. (A second opinion here would have been the wiser course of action…) He did however seem to think that an ill-fitting nylon jacket (unzipped) would aid in advancing his cause. He looked like a wrestler, not WWE style mind you, more like those wannabes that play in trailer parks and motor inns.

This was his clever pick up technique.

Wrestler Dude: Hey baby… (Whistle) How about some of that? Come on baby… Hey… don’t walk away baby… aw come on… where are ya going?

I think he may have set gender relations back about a decade.

From what I could tell, his success ratio was clocking in at just under zero. Well done… Well done indeed.

I spent the better part of the day chewing on some sad news. A friend of my family’s has fallen in with his demons. The anti-hero of this story is a 55-year-old man who had everything, and then pissed it all away. He had an amazing job that paid him handsomely. (Truthfully it was a king’s ransom to most of us average folks.)

Then he discovered crack. (Which really is the devil’s right hand.) His whole life collapsed.

He lost his job, his wife, and worst of all, his soul. This really makes me believe that the concept of “recreational use” is really quite a risky business proposition. Once you let that demon out of the box, nothing but a world of chaos remains. I’m glad that’s a lesson learned vicariously.

Erin and I went to the movies with my sister. It was great to see her. It’s been a while. I miss her; she has a gentleness that is quite calming. As far as siblings go she’s a kick ass sister. I haven’t always been the best brother, but I’m trying to get better at it. I hope she knows that.

She amazes me. She always remembers birthdays, and special occasions. She always has a little gift, and it’s always thoughtful. She takes the time to do the little things. She is a rock star.

Tomorrow I’m going to Cranbrook. I haven’t been there for years. The last time I was there, things didn’t go so well. That was my fist ever road gig. It sucked. I sucked. (There was a lot of suckage…) Ironically I’m going with the same headliner. I don’t have any expectations at this point. My plan is just to stand there and do my shit. Come what may.

I found out this week that I’m going to Saskatoon and Regina with my friend Daniel Rock. This pleases me greatly. He is really one of my most favorite people on the planet. He’s one of the few souls in my life whose advice isn’t taken with a grain of salt.

I know he dislikes the fact that I don’t email him, but I hate email. This blog (initially at least…) was designed so I could tell the people I care about what is happening with me. He was one of the principle folks I had in mind at the time. (Sort of like those family newsletters you get at Christmas… but no one is wearing a shitty reindeer sweater…)

Anyway that’s it for now…

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