Thursday, November 04, 2004


Bush... with all 3 branches of Government... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? What kind of evil practical joke is this? It amazes me that a country that prides itself on being a "democracy" is pissing the whole thing down the drain. I can't believe that people actually voted for this Yahoo's big bag o' restricted freedoms, and shoddy tax cuts that will fuck their domestic economy. It's like the entire nation took a few too many tabs of acid. This election will prove to be the Jonestown massacre of American society.

The worst part is they did it to themselves. There was a chance to be the good guy, to stand up and be counted with the rest of the world. A chance to find the moral high ground, and once again the lowest common denominator won. Bush got what he wanted, and unfortunately the rest of the world is gonna wind up paying for it,

In some ways Little Bush's group of political miscreants reminds me of the cast of Gilligan's Island. If you think about it, they all fit. Bush, Cheney, Poppa Bush, Babs, Ann coulter, etc... They even come complete with their own canned laughter.

Dammit, I miss the Dead Kennedys.

End for now...

1 comment:

Steve said...

"It's like the entire nation took a few too many tabs of acid."

Actually, about 52% took the acid. The minority half of us were clear headed, and tried to vote him out.

So how are real estate prices in Canada?