Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Well, It's 14 days after the US election, and the rats are leaving the ship already. Ashcroft is out (and the fans go wild...) and now Powell too. For the record, there is no healing here. There is no reaching out to all those who voted for the Democrats. Nope, It's nothing more than a great big fuck you! The American Left is going to be punished. I'm sure Bush and his usual gang of miscreants are gleefully rubbing their hands together and snickering, all the while trying to weigh out what punitive measures will be used to bone the remaining Democrats. (Smithers, Release the hounds!!!) I'll give Bush this... For a guy who's dumb like stick, he sure managed to save his ass, and frighten the shit out of the electorate. Negative reinforcement works. It's a shitty way to get a job, but it works.

Bush is now moving at warp speed to marshal his buddies into formation.(Almost like evil ducks...) Rice gets a new job, replacing Powell (Poor Bastard, I don't think he realized that they were going to castrate him. ), and Cheney and Rumsfeld get to remain in control. This administration is building a wall around itself, and no one is going to be the better for it.

This term in the White House looks as if it might play out like one of those Jack T. Chick Bible tracts. (You know... Those freaky little bible comics that you find at gas station washrooms...) I suspect there are going to be some nutty legacy projects. Most of them involving religious agencies and organizations. There was a great quote on The Daily Show, the day after the election. "If you like to go to Libraries, or have gay sex, this is your last night to do either."

It's no wonder Iran has decided to play nice for now. I would too... Cause Bush is crazy, and now he has 4 more years to blow the fuck out of every little country he decides might have weapons of mass hysteria. 4 more years to crush Labour unions, Lower wages, drive the debt up, and worst of all give lots and lots of money to the people that put him there.

I wonder how it feels to know that Haliburton, Chevron, and The Royal House of Saud are calling the shots. It's sad to know that the policeman of the world in on the take. it's even sadder to know that there's no one to even call him on it.

I like America. I like Americans. I enjoy spending my time and money in their country. San Francisco, Vegas, Hawaii, Florida, I love them all. I can't say that I've ever been treated poorly, or even rudely. I have always tended to think of America as Canada's big brother. I think this is why I'm so disappointed. There was an opportunity to show the world a different face. They chose not to.

End of Transmission

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