Tuesday, June 14, 2005

06/14/05 A Rose by Any Other Name...

The Conservatives are now 6 points behind the Liberals in the polls. Hmmm… That’s strange, weren’t they like 11 points ahead just about a month ago? How do you slide 17-points in 30 days? Well done indeed… As far as I can tell, that’s really bad news for all you conservative keeners out there. I’d be starting to worry about your “little” government in waiting right about now. Especially given that they just can’t seem to find that knock out punch. A Raggedy Ann doll should have been able to take down this government. The Liberals even made it easy for you, limping along, and coughing like Tiny freaking Tim (on fire no less…) and still nothing. With the sponsorship scandal attached to the liberals like a suit made out of chum, it looked as if this hungry little shark might finally get his shot. Perhaps a different strategy might be in order.

But I have to say; I think it’s kind of funny that Stephen Harper can’t close the deal. He’s slick and brash, but this horse just can’t seem to make the finish line. When there’s a storm brewing, you need a mudder, not a show horse. It’s hard to get excited every time he comes out of the gate, whinnying, and baying out the tough talk. Here’s why, it’s all rhetoric. Pure fluff. Harper lacks substance. Plain and simple.

Now before you all get angry and send me hate mail… consider this… There is only so much “The Liberals are bad… Because the Liberals are bad…” talk anyone can handle. How much policy have you heard the conservatives talk about? More to the point, policy that is proactive to Canada’s needs, and not reactive to what Canadians wants?

Make no mistake; the liberals are no better at this either. The problem as I see it is this… Canada is really a two party system trying to support five parties. There really isn’t too terribly much different between Conservatives and Liberals anymore. Both parties have had their own share of corruption over the years. (Regardless of how many times the Conservatives tell you they’re “new and improved”… its remarkable how many “old and equally corrupt” faces are still around.)

What will really change the minds of Canadians is charisma. Paul Martin may be a ditherer, but at least he doesn’t come off as a douche bag. Whichever party really wants the country needs to groom a leader. Both parties would do well to find someone with vision.

The brilliant desperation of the past couple of weeks has been pretty darn interesting too. Who tape records conversations anymore? It’s as likely that you’ll win big at three-card monte, as it is this not backfiring in your face. Here’s a handy tip. It helps if you don’t doctor the tapes.


denise said...

Nonsense Marcus - absolute liberal rhetoric. We'll talk, but I'll guess you'll have your "Stephen Harper is scary" ears on, therefore won't hear a word. Also, you won't have our friend D here to goad me into silence.

Angela said...

Interesting thoughts... I am inclined to agree.

Peter Anthony said...

harper is a motherfucker of the worst kind. throughout history, societal change and evolution has come from liberal ideas and policies. keeping one's mind open, that's the key. conservatives are scared of change and seek personal gain, not real growth for everyone in general. bang on, marcus.

denise said...

Comedians are the purest form of Conservatism, however hesitant they are to agree. You want to speak and feel and do your own thing. Like it or not, that is not Canadian Liberal, that is Conservative. Liberals are all about control, which is every thing you despise. So, get over the bullshit, Liberal fed right-wing Consevatives are religous freaks and get that we just believe that you and I know better than than the government. Grow the fuck up and stop believing the left-wing media lies. We don't want to shove ANYTHING down your throat, as we think you have a voice and an opinon. Respectfully of course, as I do believe in debate.


denise said...

FYI - I'm posting again and I'll try not to be so periodic. No promises though. Hey, maybe I am a Liberal - full of ...........

Daniel Loomis said...

AHHH,what do you fucking canadians know about politics... go play hockey...

denise said...

hey - who invited the american?

Daryl Makk said...

Well Marcus I find I totally disagree with your assessment of the 2 parties. I know it is hard for the Conservatives to find that knock out punch. I would too if the Liberal owned media out east kept skewing the truth.
Many think I am a conservative. I am not. I am a Libertarian. i want less government. Everytime the state takes over a part of our lives we become less of a free and real person. The Liberals are about control, like Densie said. Social programs disguised as being good for us make us dependant. They tout things like a national daycare. Why? To help out working parents or to raise out kids as THEY see fit while we slave to keep up with their taxes.
Health care is a mess. It is the fault of anyone who voted for the Liberals. While you or a loved one wait for medical aid, and wait and wait only to be misdiagnosed by the few over worked doctors we have left think of the billions the Libs wasted on a useless gun registry, the millions on ad-scam, the millions on the HDRC scandal and on and on. Then think of how that could have been put to better use.
I want to scream when I hear the media lie like the trained puppets they are and say report of the allegations of a hidden agenda of the conservatives. Funny, I don't remember all those wasteful examples I listed here being on their agenda. I think they hid it and the sheep fall for it again and again.
We need change and we need it on the next election. Lets hope someone can get these liars and theives out of Parliment. Hell give me the Green party as a landslide majority!! They would be too stunned to do anything....good or bad. That would be a huge improvement!

Daryl Makk said...

Peter, you contradict yourself my friend. I think you described what the conservatives have done. Anything the libs have done they stole the idea from the PCs anyway.
You call Harper a mother fucker of the worst kind but not why? i think a party that STEALS my money and yours to give to their business buddies (for personal gain yet) and get away with it are much worse.