Saturday, June 25, 2005

06/25/05 Duck Season

The Conservatives got caught with their pants down again!!! Martin and his little generals managed to get the NDP budget amendments passed. Sure it was a sneaky move, but there’s no room in Ottawa for the faint of heart. Mr. Harper’s gang seems to be doing nothing but chewing their collective cud.

For an opposition that sees itself as the “Government in Waiting” they sure aren’t very good at sniffing out the best way to beat this government. It’s almost as if they can’t figure out the rules of the game. Or, and I think this is more to the point, they just don’t know how to play.

Now, before any of you dear readers go off the handle, (which I know you will…) you have to admit, the Government house leader managed to quarterback a very smart play. (I know you‘re all going to bitch about how dirty those liberal pigs are… blah blah blah… and I really don’t care. Every time Conservatives get beat… they babble at the mouth about someone running foul… Suck it up… Sour grapes and snarky sulking will get you nothing… Maybe instead, you could find someone who can get the job done. )

In terms of tactics, especially if you look at this like a war, the Liberals are very good. They wrote the playbook. I admire a good thrashing, and that’s exactly what they handed out.

Those poor (dare I say hapless schmo…) Conservatives didn’t even see what hit them. They just sat there, covered in soot, still smoking from the blast. (It kind of reminds me of Daffy Duck, mere moments after blurting the words “DUCK SEASON…”) I can almost hear Carl Stalling warming up the orchestra in the background. “Badee Bahduh Badee… That’s all folks!!!”

Mr. Harper just can’t run with the “big” boys. Imagine going to Ottawa with all that zesty idealism, gleaming with the notion of making some “big changes!!!” and then…wham… absolutely nothing!!! ZIP ZERO… NADA… no progress… Harper has proven time and time again to be impotent. His threats of clobbering Mr. Martin are somewhat reminiscent of a toy poodle named “Tink” trying to take on a pack of wolves.

The truth is this. Mr. Harper probably isn’t that bad a guy. I’m willing to bet he’s a good fellow at heart. I’m sure with friends and family he’s quite a decent sort. I bet he even carves the turkey at Christmas, but he is not a leader of men. In some ways he is very much like Preston Manning. He’s a wonk. He knows policy, and strategy, but he’s not charismatic enough to pull a government out of his hat.

“My boy's gonna play in the Big League
My boy's gonna turn some heads
My boy's gonna play in the Big League
My boy's gonna knock 'em dead
The Big League…”

Well maybe not…


Daryl Makk said...

Well Marcus, I agree. The Concervatives did get caught on this one and can't seem to find an easy way to topple a shaking government. Why? they are being too nice and too honest. They need to find a sneaky scumbag that can show them how to play this game. Sad though, that running the nation is not about morals, fiscal responsibility but actually a GAME of deciet, lies, back stabbing, smearing, alliances. It is kind of like "Survivor" without the ratings.

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

It is sad... The country should be run in an ethical, responsible fashion. The whole things leave a very bitter taste in my mouth.

While we may disagree on who and how things should be done, at least we agree that none of this is working.

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

Maybe that's a good starting point for actual reform. Non partisan reform that does the country some good.

Daryl Makk said...

what this country needs is a book depository and a grassy knoll. Then a really good meteorite hit on parliment hill while the House of Commons is in session. Then we can start from scratch.
ahhh, to dream!!

Lisa said...

I couldn't have said it better!

denise said...

Wait a moment! You ALL lambasted the Conservatives, saying they're useless because they're not as sneaky as the Libs, that they can't get the job done. You laugh and congratulate the filthy Libs for pulling a fast one. But THEN, you all cry that it's time for reform, that it shouldn't be such a dirty game. Make up your minds - do you want it clean or dirty? Both options are already there. I consider those of you that I know on here to be relatively intelligent people (although good luck getting me to admit to it publically). If you can't get it together and stop contadicting yourslves, then there is no hope for the rest of the mostly un or ill-informed public.


Marcus C. Beaubier said...

I can concede that Hitler was a brilliant tactician... and still understand that he was a monster too.

If you'll read a little closer, I also said i enjoy a good thrasing.

In addition... I do recognize the need for reform. Non partisan reform. To make the system more fair. (SO the conservatives will stop whining about how unfair things are...)

Even more to the point... If you read my comments in the last few blogs, you'll see that I concede that the liberals have to go... and That I admit they are corrupt.

Earnest Manning was corrupt. So was Don Getty.

You'd have to be a total fool to believe that the conservatives are uncorruptable. Anyone one with power is corruptable. (I could site a zillion historical references... going back to the dawn of time...)

Further to this... Alberta needs to realize a few things. It holds less than 10 percent of the population of this country, Yet it demands to be able to assert itself over the remaining 90 percent. (and bitches when it get's it's hand slapped.)That math doesn't work either. Oil money aside... The west has a poor pitiful me complex. Throughout the history of this country every province has had it's share of ups and downs. Before there was oil, there were the dirty 30's, and Alberta was on the government's tit. Now when it's time for Alberta to share it's wealth it behaves like it has a sense of entitlement.

Fuck that... This province, and the west in general has made as many problems for itself as it claims the Liberals have.

Daryl Makk said...

marcus said
"Before there was oil, there were the dirty 30's, and Alberta was on the government's tit. Now when it's time for Alberta to share it's wealth it behaves like it has a sense of entitlement. "

Marucs I don't remember the east sharing their wealth of the fisheries (before being destroyed by bad ottawa management). I don't remember industry rich Ontario (having a 100 year head start on building cities) wanting to share the wealth.
The west is having their turn. So back off and let us spend it. At least it will go to honest good people.
Why are you here?? If it is to take from Alberta's good fortunes and run home? If so you have missed the beauty of being a true westerner.

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

Last time I checked, by birth certificate said Born in Calgary. As for the fisheriies in the east... They really never were that rich...

But Newfoundland exported millions and millions of tonnes of Salt Fish to Alberta at no cost to help during the depression...

Marcus C. Beaubier said...

To qualify... But not that rich, I mean even before the Conservative government failed to act on the white paper released in the late 80's... it had been overfished by other nations...

It was one of the major reasons for the extreme poverty and near 3rd world status of newfoundland pre 1950's.