Tuesday, October 05, 2004

10/04/04 like a slapshot to the nuts...

I like to imagine that one day a great pain will be inflicted on those monkeys running the legislature in Edmonton. I'm praying for an NDP government. I've had enough of those pompous, sneaky, snake oil salesmen.

Now I know, That an NDP government has about as much of a chance of occuring as say, Stockwell Day becoming Prime Minister, or The Aryan Nation teaching sensitivity training, but it's a pipe dream of mine, and dammit I'm allowed.

I, like most Canadians, have noticed that King Ralph has this tendency to over react. When he got the pie in the face at the Premier's Stampede breakfast, he didn't suck it up. Laugh it off, or let it slide. (it's just a prank...) No, he wanted revenge. (Quite truthfully, the only people he should really be mad at, are the security people he employs.) Imagine, Ralphie looking like a jack ass, and for once it wasn't for something that came out of his own fool mouth. I can't in good conscience blame the kid. I'd have a hard time resisting the temptation myself.

The kid who creamed him is going to jail. For 30 days. FOR A PIE IN THE FACE. That is most socially retarded thing I have ever heard. (I think the kid should run for mayor of Calgary. With balls like that, perhaps some good things might actually get done in the city.) What kind of an idiot judge pronounces this justice? Geez, I'd hate to see the punishment for a few unpaid parking tickets. Sodomy at sundown? Pistol Whipping perhaps?

Ralph had the nerve to call this Kid a thug, and then denounced this brilliant and fitting act as anti social behaviour. Ralph, you really have to get over yourself. The whole King Ralph thing is a joke. But you knew that right?

This is the very same man who got smashed out of his gord, then ordered his limo driver to go to a homeless shelter, so he could hurl hateful, nay venomous, verbal barbs (and a few bucks) at the disadvantaged.

Anti social indeed. Ralph wrote the book on that one, What a big fucking hippocrite!!!
What kind of an evil fucking monster kicks people when they are down?

Mr. Klein, I hope that kid wins his appeal. I'm tempted to do a benefit to help him with his legal costs. You are a sad, hateful, little man. It is my fondest wish that one day you get a slapshot to the nuts... Oh wait, scratch that, you don't have any!!!

End of Transmission

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