Tuesday, September 28, 2004

09/28/04 Nazi Dating Service... LIke the world isn't full of the inbred and lazy already...

I was surfing around, when I tripped over the Aryan Singles page. This is a website dedicated to helping Klanspersons, Nazis, Aryan Nations types and assorted Skinhead fuckwits to find dates.

Now I realize that every human on earth has needs from time to time, but this is a bit silly. But then again to keep the "white" race pure, you need to make sure the gene pool is nice and shallow. Mind you, I guess it would be hard to pick up chicks on MSN or AOL with an AD like this:

“SWMN (single white male nazi) Seeks that special racially pure someone... Do you like moon light walks? Family Cross Burnings, and hate Ethnic minorities? Have you always thought the jews were up to no good? Then I’m the Skinhead for you. Must share “Christian” Values and be family minded. No fat chicks!!! Email me at Jewhaterforjesus@deathtozog.com”

It brings a tear to my eye, (and my sides are splitting...) Imagine all those lonely Klansmen out there hating in the name of Jesus. Who will be barefoot and pregnant in the double wide, grunting out little white crackers? Who will fetch some vittles for their Aryan Nations sugar daddy, esp after a hard day of lynchin’.

Let's face it. keeping the negro down is hard work. You need someone who understands, and is there with your slippers, and a little back rub.

I guess I was just raised differently, but I don't understand this whole White Power nonsense. The notion that my race is better than any other is insane. It also seems rather hokey. The thought of getting dressed up in a Nazi uniform complete with all the goofy little insignias, to celebrate one's race by marching with a police escort, would be like taking a hooker to the Lilith Fair. Completely out of touch with reality.

Then again, one need only look at where all this comes from. The David Dukes of the world need to have someone to blame. "It's the jews that have destroyed our education system,and control all the banks... (sound familiar? Surely it's not Republican party, of which Duke is a member...) The blacks are responsible for all the violent crime in our socitey (not the hillbillies that lynch, and rape and destroy property, nor the unwise tax cuts that have derailed the American economy, while making it easier for the white man, and just a little harder for the brown skinned man...) and Immigrants take all our jobs... (Immigration policy dictates that ecomonic immigrants have to start new business, and most do!!!)

These people don't realize it's their own hatred and ignorance, that's actually killing them and their way of life. Unfortunately, all it really is, is fear. Fear of change, and the inability to adapt.

end of transmission

1 comment:

Daryl Makk said...

OMG, after reading this, i think i may be a negro!
You have spoken for my people....my race, the human race!
Well said

Daryl Makk